Well, I finally built a successful fire last night, and slept for seven and a half whole hours before the cold woke me up! It was glorious. I'm feeling a lot more like my feet are underneath me since I've achieved heat, light, and cooking. Even better, there's a spot where I can find phone service, about half an hour or so's walk away from the camp. Without a tv to distract me in leisure moments, I'm thinking I might learn to sew or whittle.
Tomorrow we run the dogs for the first time, so my leisure time is about to dwindle dramatically. I spent most of today in town. Sampled the bakery, went to a rummage sale to find working pants without holes (my jeans were all massacred by (drumroll please) the foot-high turtle fence in Ecuador. Of all things), and took a walk out to a place called Smuggler's Cove, where I waded in the sea and climbed barefooted around on the cliffs and attained general merriment. I also have my first sunburn of the season, which I always kind of enjoy. I'm not a masochist, it's just... it's kinda cool- shut up! Anyway, sunburns remind me of Santa Martha, in Ecuador, and I get a little homesick for Tambillo.
My only real concern now is that I have a feeling I'll have to unlearn a lot of what I already know about handling. Everyone does things differently, after all. We'll see. I'll update as soon as I can. Looking forward to my first paycheck!!!
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