Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Remember when I found out my skull had been in the wrong place for 18 months? That was funny. So funny, we decided to have a reenactment. Courtesy of sleeping in a weird position, I spent most of yesterday moving like an old lady, and wondering whether US chiropractors are as friendly as South African ones. Today I decided on an unorthodox treatment- Jillian Michaels' Yoga Meltdown, free on On Demand. By the end of the 36 minutes, I couldn't decide whether to throttle the little lady or turn lesbian and marry her. Exercise is always such a love/hate deal. To conclude the sordid tale, I feel toned and my neck is more comfortable.

The job search is ongoing. One thing I've learned is never to stop applying, even if you think you've got something in the bag. If you stop sending out applications and watching Craigslist, you'll jinx yourself for sure.

I've recently had an influx of news from friends in my past adventure spots. Some happy, some very sad. It's hard to always be far away when people and animals you care about are being born and/or dying. Despite the fact that I'm constantly leaving places, I am at my core a loyal person, and I become very attached to places and people. Maybe I move so much to avoid attachment and its inherent problems, but in the end I think I do miss out on a lot of pleasure by missing a lot of pain.

It's funny how travel can make you so confident in some ways, and so vulnerable in others. The hardest part of leaving a place is knowing that those people will move on from you, find new friends- people who will stick around. I can't blame them, it's the way the world works. I can visit, but it's a shallow pleasure. But as the years go by, it feels more and more sad to always be the Passer-through, the Unsafe Bet, because "everyone knows she's leaving".

Hm. Well, that was cheerful. For the most part, things are good here, and once I find a job I can take a very queasy weight off my mind.

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