Thursday, August 13, 2009


I put up a few pictures from my Juneau trip a month ago, on the appropriate posting- you're all smart enough to find them, if you're so inclined.

Not a lot happening here right now, except a few soul-searchings and a lot of trip-planning. My mother and my biological clone plan on visiting in early September, and Glenn may even put in an appearance. After that, my future gets misty again- I look forward to mist!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Mist? What is this about Africa I read? Any particular reason? That's a silly question. Irene needs no reason for new adventure. :)

    So what did you text me about October? I am HERE! In AZ! Yeaa, that means you should come. Scratch that - MUST come. mustmustmustmustmust!
