Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Hate Packing

So here's the plan: rather than staying at Blue on Black for the next two weeks before my job in Skagway begins, I'm going to try and travel around Alaska, at least as far as my funds will allow. I'll be working at the kennel tomorrow, then heading into Anchorage to spend the night at my friend Glenn's apartment, then taking an early bus towards Seward, which is about halfway out on the Kenai peninsula. It's supposed to be pretty. I'll let you know. I'm hoping to get some hiking done, and maybe some other activities if I can afford them. Otherwise, it should just be nice to chill, write, and stare at the mountains and the ocean.

Glenn tried to scare me about traveling alone in Alaska, but I'm not worried- and I only mention this, because for those of you who are tempted to fret (coughparentscough) be comforted by the fact that I carry Scooby Bob, my knife. Trust in Scooby Bob.

I spent a large chunk of the day trying to pack- never have been any good at that. Bottom line, I really hate putting things I like in places where I can't get at them. So why do I live this way, you ask? Shut up and stop asking so many questions. Pesky, is what you are!
I've gone over Karin and Varan's computer, filching their photos of the dogs for my private collection. I also spent a number of hours harvesting pictures off facebook. Since my last computer's hard drive crashed while I was in Ecuador, I lost ALL my own pictures, and I finally got fed up with not being able to see the faces of the people I care about. You guys know who you are- I can see you all now! Oh yes. I'm watching you.
Ahem. Excuse the Moment. I miss you guys. My shiny new picture slideshow has made me homesick.

Other news? I broke up a dog fight the other day- four of the Blue on Black girls are full sisters, and they share the same bitchy tendency towards other dogs. Cerveza, Azure, Luna and Sable. They're all sweetness and light when it come to people, but dogs? Nah. They embody the word "bitch". Anywho, they were loose together in a pen while I cleaned up, and Sable and Cerveza formed a brute squad and started attacking the other two. Not that Luna and Azure were guiltless- when they weren't the ones being mobbed, they joined the party ripping at their sister! I had the drag the girls apart, and spent a while going over each dog, looking for wounds. Azure and Luna are now getting thrice-daily antibiotic spritzings. I had to wash dog blood out of my clothes- the experience kinda shook me up, overall. I'm not used to seeing my kids so vicious with each other.
This is actually what Azure looked like after a visit to the vet in January to lance an abcess, but I think it conveys the general mood. Are you feeling the urge to cuddle? Don't worry, that's natural...
I think I'll go outside and see the dogs.


  1. What, us be concerned? Never! Well, hardly ever. Well, sometimes. So okay, we worry. Get over it. Not changing anytime soon. Admit it, girl, you love having ma mere fuss over you occasionally.

  2. Oh crap. Thinking about this made me miss you, too. Seriously, when are you coming back to civilization? It misses you. And I guess I do too. A little.

    Don't get all cocky about it. Geez.
