It has been pointed out to me by various--even many--people that I am, as usual, abysmally behind on my blog. Well, come on, who couldn't see this coming? Do I go on facebook much? No. Do I email over-much? No. Am I in general a good correspondent? NO. But I digress.
Skagway became extremely windy as the cruise season approached its end- almost as though to hurry the last remnants out so that the town could go merrily about the business of collecting nuts for winter. The 23rd of September was our final cruise ship day- I consider the first tourist-free day of the year as my birthday present!
Yes, I am now technically 26 years old. But since I intend to go on behaving like a child, I consider it irrelevant. To be honest, I practically forgot all about my birthday until the day before- first time that's ever happened!
With the cruise ships gone, the town is very empty. The stores are closed, and those of us who used to be salespeople now start on inventory. So relaxing. No answering the same stupid questions all day, no diverting questions about yourself, no bending over backwards to match up sets of earrings with necklaces. No talking at all, if you don't feel like it. I was appointed as Kirk's minion, and spent most of the day following him around helping with whatever was on his to-do list. On my day off, I packed like a maniac, then back to inventory for my last day. Sunday I night, I drank with my co-workers- a great time, which resulted in a heavy hangover the next morning. Fortunately my driving buddy, Adam, had one to match, so we were a sight to see as we stumbled around, getting ready to leave town. We got out of Skagway around 10 am. Drove for fourteen hours, and then arrived in Anchorage. Contrary to popular prediction, both Adam and I survived the drive without so much as a stab wound.
And now I'm in Anchorage at Glenn's place, sleeping late and goofing off. Today, for example, I woke up at 11:23, showered, and then took a walk that ended up lasting three and a half hours. So that pretty much takes care of wasting time until Glenn gets off work. I will be doing this until the 5th, when I get to see Karin and the Pups. And then it's back on a plane, and off home... about which I have mixed feelings. But at least I get a visit soon from my favoritest college roomie, Miss Amy Slyfox. If we get lucky we'll even see Tricia the Rookie.
I'll hopefully post again later with whatever thoughts I forgot to mention in this posting. Still a little wind-dazed from my walk.